

Discovered in the late 1600’s by Dutch traders off the West Coast of Italy, tourmalines are found in an unmatched array of color sand are known as the ‘Gemstone of the rainbow.” According to Egyptian legend, resulted from passing through a rainbow during its ancient journey upwards from the center of the Earth. In fact, tourmaline has one of the widest color ranges of any gem species, occurring in various shades of virtually every hue.
Many tourmaline color varieties have inspired their own trade names:
Rubellite is a name for pink, red, purplish red, orange red, or brownish red tourmaline,
Indicolite is dark violet blue, blue, or greenish blue tourmaline.
Paraíba is an intense violetish blue, greenish blue, or blue tourmaline from the state of Paraíba, Brazil.
Chrome tourmaline is intense green. In spite of its name, it’s colored mostly by vanadium, the same element that colors many Brazilian and African emeralds
Parti-colored tourmaline displays more than one color. One of the most common combinations is green and pink, but many others are possible.
Watermelon tourmaline is pink in the center and green around the outside. Crystals of this material are typically cut in slices to display this special arrangement.
Tourmaline is known to aid in relieving stress and strengthen the immune system. The gemstone is also highly regarded in the spiritual realm and is called a “receptive stone,” which means it is soothing and calming, magnetic and spiritual, promoting meditation, wisdom, and mysticism. Believed to inspire creativity, tourmaline and was used extensively as a talisman by artists and writers from the Renaissance through the Victorian Age.
Tourmaline is the alternate birthstone for October, along with the opal.