

A favorite of rulers and kinds from ancient times, rubies are believed to guarantee health, wealth, wisdom, and success in love. Known as “the king of gemstones,” it is held that dreaming of rubies portends success in matters of money and love.
Ruby is arguably one of the most important gems in the colored stone market and has been called the most precious of the 12 stones created by God.
The name ruby comes from the Latin word ruber, which means “red.” The glowing red of ruby suggested an inextinguishable flame burning in the stone, even shining through clothing and able to boil water. The source of the world’s finest rubies is Burma, or present-day Myanmar.
The ruby has always been a symbol of love, charity, and victory. From ancient times, it has been associated with courage and is believed to protect the wearer from injury and to keep him safe and healthy. It is also known to fight off stress and help with the symptoms of depression. The powerful and positive effects of ruby also inspire energetic and charming personalities.
Ruby is the birthstone for July.